I’ve been thinking long and hard about my podcast. I didn’t want to continue doing it if it wasn’t sitting right with me, so it’s officially back! I’ve been in a phase of re-branding myself because I didn’t like what I had going and today, it finally came to me. Thanks to my planner inserts that I posted about yesterday. I got rid of The Solcialite Show and decided to just keep doing things the way I have. Why have two different podcasts when I can share everything on one? I might even simplify my social media as well because it’s becoming too much to manage and when things get overwhelming, I quit.
Wanted to have a little bit of a plan, because having some type of structure helps me to stay on task and know exactly what I’m trying to achieve.
My episodes will contain different segments.
- Intro
- Energy Update
- Astro Tea
- *Featured Segment*
- What I learned (I might do this, sometimes it takes too much work lol)
- Outro
Mantra Monday
Tarot Tuesday
Workshop Wednesday
Talk Story Thursday
Friday: Wellness Bestie Book Club – We’ll start off by reading this book.